Friday, 22 May 2015

Title: Anubis anubis is a god of the underworld. 

Title: Friends wanted we had to do a DLO of a friend and this is what i done.
 Title: Maori gods this is some staff that I was doing in managing self its some slides of my Maori gods.  

Thursday, 14 May 2015

                               on two feet and wings 

So the year 7 went to the library and got us some book out the book that i got out was on two feet and winds I didn't get to read it but i'm going to read it at ssr time

Wednesday, 13 May 2015

This is what we done for Written Language and for our myth and legend.

Rainbow Crow & Robin hood

WAL: The difference between a Myth & Legend!
This is a blog post that compares the difference between two articles called Rainbow crow & Robin hood!